Affectionate Pearl & Tata

Pearl is an amazing woman, just look at her! She oozes style and sophistication in everything she does. It’s rare to find such elegance and grace in a woman so young, but this Ukrainian model really does have the moves. Her brief experience in modelling has certainly served her well, but we’re hoping she doesn’t return to it any time soon, and decides to remain here as one of the most beautiful London escorts we’ve had at the agency. Even her tattoos are beautiful and perfectly presented. You simply have to meet her in person to fully appreciate her.


5ft 5Height5ft 7
BrownEye ColourGrey
BrunetteHair ColourBrunette
34BBust Size34C
West KensingtonNearest TubeGloucester Road
Kensington LocationKensington
Mon to SunAvailabilityMon to Sun


1 hour: £ 550£ 650
1.5 Hour: £ 800£ 900
2 hours: £ 950£ 1050
3 hours: £ 1350£ 1450
Overnight: £ 3300£ 3300

* Taxi fares are not included
 Appartment - SW7

Incall Booking Policy

Incall bookings cannot be guaranteed if the client is more than 15 mins late. If the client informs us, we will attempt to hold their booking for a maximum of 30 mins. However, we cannot guarantee another booking will not be accepted during this time. All bookings start from the beginning of the time slot they have been booked, escorts cannot be expected to go over the time allocated.

At Babylon Girls we’re always keen to hear about your experience with the London escorts we represent.

Perhaps if you book this girl, and you have the time, you could leave a review in this space? We don’t need a “blow by blow” account of your date, just a few words to tell us whether you enjoyed yourself would be sufficient, and please refrain from using offensive language and terms. We really appreciate your feedback at Babylon Girls, and so do the girls!

We hope you enjoy your experience with Babylon Girls. We make every effort to ensure the girls we represent are suitable for our clients. When they apply to the agency we ensure that their pictures, whilst occasionally enhanced, are accurate representations of themselves. We often confirm this with “selfie” images, but we only ever publish the images our escorts request us to

Tata is the type of girl your mother would approve of in theory, but probably not in person! she is one of those girls that can look truly pretty in more conservative attire, but when you put her in a short skirt and an off the shoulder top, she looks really rather alluring (not the outfit you take her home in!) And need we mention her choice of designer lingerie? Everything is the best with Tata, including your experience should you choose to book her. She loves extended bookings, with a preference for dinner dates if you can see your way clear. Treat her well and she will certainly reciprocate! Protection Status
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© 2025 - Babylon Girls - London Escorts Agency - Established: 2004