Discount London Escort Issues
Here at Babylon Girls, it’s gives us great pleasure to give our subscribers discounts literally every single weekend. We are the only agency to do this consistently in London. When you are a newsletter subscriber with Babylon Girls, you get useful newsletters each week, not those that just waffle on about a load of rubbish and send you a few links to some girls.
When you subscribe to our newsletter you will get one every week on a Friday (or sometimes later on a Thursday evening). This newsletter will introduce you to three girls we would like to show you. Along with this, you will get links to any independent reviews we may have from websites like Punternet, and you will get the weekend’s discount code that will entitle you to take 10% off any London escort booking you like (sometimes even more than this!) We will also use the newsletter to direct our subscribers to any relevant, or pressing content we think they need to read or respond to. Like this article for example.
Respect is Everything!
It has come to our attention that there have been some clients that have not been showing our girls the respect they deserve. These clients have all been those that use the discount offers we provide. Apparently, these clients have decided that, just because they have managed to book their girls for a discount rate, that they can push their luck and treat our girls inappropriately. We’re not sure whether they feel some form of superiority over the girls they have booked, just because they haven’t paid full price, or what it is that’s driving this dreadful behaviour. But we will say this. It MUST cease immediately!
It is important to understand that booking a girl for a discount price, does not entitle you to behave disrespectfully. It does not entitle you to anything at all. In fact, you are incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to even spend time with one of the beautiful young escort girls that we represent here in London, and you should remember this at all times.
Language Barriers
Most of the girls at Babylon speak very good English, but there are some that struggle a little. This should be expected at an agency that represents international girls; and English is not their first language, so we should all be tolerant. We accept that sometimes there may be language barrier issues between clients and the girls they have booked. And in relation to the issues we are discussing here, some of the girls may have difficulty understanding the discount process, even though they will have certainly been told prior to your booking.
We are very patient with the girls, and we expect you to be the same at all times. If you are struggling to communicate to the girl that you are paying her less because you have a discount offer, it really is best to ask them politely to contact the agency before you become impatient with them. Most of the girls work with a number of different agencies in London, so they may have gotten things mixed up, and they might need a reminder how it’s going to work. Some of the girls might need more reassurance that they will be paid the correct amount for their booking; which our receptionists will be able to communicate to them successfully. Please be aware that we do our utmost to ensure that this is made clear to the girls before your booking; but, as we said: tolerance and patience is key here.
If we continue to hear that clients have been disrespecting the girls when they get at discount price, we will simply remove those clients from the subscriber list, blacklist their number with all London agencies (yes, we can do this), and we may even stop giving out discounts to everyone because it will be too much trouble. Now, it’s important to understand that we DO NOT want to do this. We value all of our clients, not just our subscribers, but we have never, and we will never tolerate disrespect. So please, try not to ruin it for everyone involved. We want this to be a happy, efficient and altogether marvellous escort community for everyone.