Adjika Reviews

Welcome to the review page for Adjika . Here you will find all the reviews we have received for this erotic Ukrainian London escort, located in Central London. We publish all reviews within reason. If they are honest and free from profanity and inappropriate content, you will find them here. It would be hard to believe that this 34C intelligent 20 year old beauty could get anything other than positive feedback!.

At Babylon Girls we're always keen to hear about your experiences with the London escorts we represent.

Book an hour or more with this erotic girl, you won't regret it !

At Babylon Girls we’re always keen to hear about your experience with the London escorts we represent.

Perhaps if you book this girl, and you have the time, you could leave a review in this space? We don’t need a “blow by blow” account of your date, just a few words to tell us whether you enjoyed yourself would be sufficient, and please refrain from using offensive language and terms. We really appreciate your feedback at Babylon Girls, and so do the girls!

We hope you enjoy your experience with Babylon Girls. We make every effort to ensure the girls we represent are suitable for our clients. When they apply to the agency we ensure that their pictures, whilst occasionally enhanced, are accurate representations of themselves. We often confirm this with “selfie” images, but we only ever publish the images our escorts request us to

post dateOctober 2024 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateDecember 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateNovember 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateNovember 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateOctober 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateSeptember 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateMay 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateMay 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateApril 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateJanuary 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings
post dateJanuary 2023 Looks:looks ratings Performance:performance ratings Protection Status
DMCA Protection

© 2025 - Babylon Girls - London Escorts Agency - Established: 2004