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London escorts on modern day dating

It will come as no surprise to learn that London escorts don’t really date. At least in the conventional sense of the word. However, they do know the rules and they know what men want. Which makes them quite the authority on dating actually. They may not cave in to the countless men that “chat them up” in bars and clubs when they’re out with their friends, but they know how it goes from there.

Dating is a long drawn out affair

And it’s something that people have been turning away from for some time now; even before the current global pandemic. People just don’t have the time to waste on getting to know others they are sexually attracted to. If there is ever going to be any interaction, a physical one is usually sought after, as opposed to anything with a real emotional connection. The same applies to women too of course. They don’t have much time for getting to know another man romantically. Men and women are just becoming more and more different, and they want different things. It’s only really our primal urges that bring us together these days.

Done with women?

So there’s little wonder that monogamy is dying a death. There’s little wonder that marriage is down and divorce is up. People are happier alone. On many occasions it’s about a relationship ending and you just not wanting another like the last. You could have had a string of nasty relationships that are enough to put you off women for good. Firstly, you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it, you’re just going along with what seems to be the normal way of life these days. And secondly, when you have so many London escorts to choose from, you need never go without the temporary companionship of a beautiful, intelligent woman. What’s more is that she’s not going to give you a hard time!

Learning from an escort

If you are insistent on dating again at some point, you could learn a lot from an escort when you think about it. The wealth of knowledge they have to impart during just a simple hour of their company is priceless. If you bother to get to know them at all over a longer booking (perhaps a dinner date), then you could really quiz them about what attracts them to men and what they look for. Not that they are looking of course, but you can bet your life that they will still have an ideal man. This would be the man to measure up to. If there was a man that could take them away from a career like escorting, which they simply adore, this would be the man you want to be.

Perhaps it’s a good idea to book a girl from one of our high class London escorts. These ladies may be a little more expensive, but they are usually better equipped for longer and more immersive dates


So don’t be afraid to ask

These London escorts really are among the friendliest girls on the planet. They’d have to be when you consider how many different types of men they see during their work. They love to meet new people and they love to chat too. Nothing you could say would shock them, we’re pretty sure. These are incredibly liberated women, with little to hide. So don’t be afraid to make a connection and ask away.

Dating in a pandemic

All the panic and concern over the Covid-19 outbreak hasn’t helped dating either of course, let’s be honest. There are many of you that aren’t even looking at women when you’re out and about (as infrequently as that is these days). People are withdrawing and not wishing to meet new people. This is resulting in a huge surge of mental health issues and emotional frustration. At least seeing a London escort is a one time, brief encounter, and you don’t have to invest countless conversations, socially distanced dates and everything else before you really get a connection with someone. And why bother when you may well end up being unable to go to each other’s homes!

Socially distanced dates are available with London escorts too remember. Just because you book a girl, it doesn’t mean you have to be in direct contact with her. You can have a lot of fun without that anyway, you just have to use your imagination. We must make it very clear that we do not condone or encourage clients and escorts to have physical contact during their booking, we are a booking agent only. What happens between an escort and their client is between them. You’re both consenting adults and really should be able to make informed decisions about who you see and what you do with them.

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