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Buying Gifts for Escorts

We have some wonderful clients here at Babylon Girls. Many of our clients are incredibly kind and generous people, who love to spoil the girls they book. We think it’s a wonderful thing for them to show their appreciation like this. So, we thought we would help give you a little inspiration, as well as enlighten you about the whole “gifts for escorts culture” that seems to be around these days.

Historically men have always taken gifts to their girlfriends when visiting, or their mistresses and lovers. It’s just something that has always been done, and it’s a culture that has been adopted by the escort community over the years. It allows a more personal touch for the clients, to feel a little more familiar or closer to the girls they book. Many clients will book the same girl(s) every time, and may well have developed a more personal relationship with some of them. There’s nothing wrong with this of course, if expectations remain manageable. Clients need to be reminded that taking a gift to the same girl on a regular basis, does not give them priority over her service, and it does not mean she’s going to leave her career and run off into the sunset with them.

Gift ideas

You will never find a girl that doesn’t appreciate a gift from her client. It doesn’t matter what it is, but realistically there are a few areas you should probably stick to. We have listed a few here to help you:


  • Flowers
  • Jewellery
  • Chocolates / Sweet Treats
  • Lingerie
  • Gift Cards


These are all manageable gifts. It’s best not to go ahead and buy outfits and dresses etc. because you may well get the wrong style and/or size. You can’t really go wrong with lingerie though, if you choose the right type (and let’s face it, sexy lingerie doesn’t have to be worn for very long at all does it?). Jewellery is always a good idea if you’re practically minded, since if the girl doesn’t enjoy wearing it for long, she can always sell it (we did say “practically minded” and we need to be realistic don’t we?). And when all else fails, you can’t beat an Amazon gift card, or a card for anywhere the girls can shop in London. This way they can get whatever they want.

London is also packed with little flower vendors here and there, so you’re never too far away from picking up some flowers before you visit your favourite girl. For example, if you’re going to see an escort in Sloane Square there is a beautiful flower vendor just outside the tube station there. They will fix you up some really nice for sure. There is another place on the corner of Queensway and Porchester Gardens if you’re planning on visiting a Bayswater escort.

Gifts are not Required

Please don’t worry if you don’t want to buy a gift for your escort. This is by no means a requirement. It is also important to point out that this does not happen all the time with the girls, and you are not likely to get a poorer service quality because you didn’t take a gift. As far as the girls are concerned, this is just a little bonus. It’s something that makes them smile and feel even more appreciated than they already are. They are well aware how you feel about them, and they all know that you appreciate what they do. The fee you pay them for their time is more than enough to show your appreciation, so again, don’t worry about it!

Gifts do not buy “Extras”

We are not assuming that any of you believe this to be true, but it’s important that we make it very clear that just because you take a gift to an escort, it does not mean that you are any more entitled than any other client. You cannot expect special treatment, or any type of extra service you may have in mind. The girls appreciate your gift, but that’s exactly what it is – a gift. It’s not in any way redeemable for anything else.

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