Get Involved at Babylon Girls
It’s time to get you off the bench and into the game gentlemen. But don’t worry, we will make it worth your time and effort. Some of you may well be used to our regular offers and competitions for newsletter subscribers. Well, it’s about to get a lot better, with a lot more variety. We have been thinking long and hard (that’s what she said!) about our valuable subscribers and we want to show our appreciation.
New Alternating Discounts
So we have decided to give you a different discount offer every week. They will usually be the same four or five offers each month, but we will be offering them in a cycle. Some of the details of these are below. But you have to remember that you will not be able to take advantage of these great offers unless you are a Babylon Girls Newsletter subscriber. It’s quick and easy to sign up, it’s anonymous and we only contact you once a week.
- 10%OFF
- 1 Hour for 30 Mins! 10% OFF
- 30% Off Selected Girls. 10% OFF
- Free Bookings and Vouchers! 10% OFF
So, as you can see, there’s even more reason to sign up for our newsletter. It’s always good news in the Newsletter too. You will find introductions to new girls, the latest reviews from the escort community, and always offers and prizes
Getting Involved
Here’s where you can get involved in the agency and our progress. In order to better serve our clients we will be having a competition every month and giving away escort vouchers up to £300 in value!
Our competitions will be based mostly on getting to know you and what you think. We may ask questions about the website, or about the escort community in general, and we will award the best answers and ideas with the prize of a £300 escort booking. We will offer runner up prizes too, so there will be plenty of chances to win something every month. We will also include our regular 10% off for the weekend too of course. Everyone needs a reason to look forward to the weekend, right?!
Always a Happy Ending with Babylon Girls!